Husky Volleyball is a volleyball club in Windsor Connecticut. This volleyball program has been around since 1999 and has been growing since. They have opened a new facility at 50 Great Pond Dr in Winsdor CT and the name of the facility is called The Den. The facility has 6 indoor courts and about 2,000 players pre-year with young ages under 14 up to 18. The Den has become the most popular volleyball facility in the New England area and has players and coaches from Connecticut and the northeast using it every year.
The Husky Volleyball Program is a club team where they can travel to different tournaments and play with teams in the New England area or nationally. The program has both Women’s and Men’s teams of different ages and levels. The link below shows their own web page and it is extremely easy and simple to sign up for a team.
Husky volleyball also allows Adult Open Play which is co-ed teams that can play on Sundays. The age has to be over 18 and the times are 6:40 pm- 9:40 pm. There is a simple registration before you can come to play and each player must be vaccinated or have a mask. The den is on a strict protocol to allow the season to continue and will follow what the state of Connecticut mandates.
The Den not only provides indoor volleyball but also has 4 outdoor beach courts. They have a separate program with beach volleyball and teach players the different techniques required to play outdoors.