
Name Vik Pavlyuk 

CMM 240 A – Spring ‘22

Date Due 3/1/2022

QCQ is short for “Quotation-Comment-Question.” It begins with a Quotation of 1-3 sentences. It then has a Comment. And it then asks a Question that encourages engagement from others. A good QCQ gives you something to bring to the table and offers something worth discussing in class. Earn full credit (1000 points) for a QCQ that touches all 3 bases – and is in on time.

QCQ for__Remix “How Creativity is being strangled by the Law_____

Quotation (with page number or parag number or time stamp if video/audio)

“A culture that is top down: a culture where the “vocal cords” of millions of ordinary people have been lost.”(pg 156)

Comment (250-500 words)

In the article, this quote stood out to me because at times it does feel like as generations grow the culture is left behind. I believe that some change is good to happen however not everyone or everything needs to change. Now in today, people use apps to communicate and it is considered a read/write culture. I also think that there are more viewers than commenters, and ways that commenters interact is to share or like a post. It is definitely different than before where people would participate in the creation and re-create ideas or stories. 


How can we go back to a read/write culture?

Post-Class Reflection Space (5 minutes at end of Theory Tuesdays – use back/other page if needed)

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