QCQ #5



Name Vik Pavlyuk 

CMM 240 A – Spring ‘22

Date Due 2/22/2022

QCQ is short for “Quotation-Comment-Question.” It begins with a Quotation of 1-3 sentences. It then has a Comment. And it then asks a Question that encourages engagement from others. A good QCQ gives you something to bring to the table and offers something worth discussing in class. Earn full credit (1000 points) for a QCQ that touches all 3 bases – and is in on time.

QCQ for ______Making Media Make Sense_____________________________

Quotation (with page number or parag number or time stamp if video/audio)

“I raised the notion that new media causes cultural anxieties, and articulated several technological concepts…” pg 26

Comment (250-500 words)

In the article the author Bayum discusses how media evolved and how different people use it to spread their cultural views. However, the growing media and technology today was been causes many individuals to have backlash. More people are suffering from anxiety and hatred with comments from posts. Also apps or media like instagram cause many people to have body image issues or post an unrealistic lifestyle. Media and technology have many pros and cons. However, through the article in my opinion the cons outweigh the pros. Media does spread news and awareness but, there is such little you can do rather than doing it in person when it most matters. 


Why does the media have such a societal change on others and put power to people who have a higher class?

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